Thursday 7 March 2013

Winter Construction-land

It still feels like winter here in Waterloo, even though it's March. This morning we all woke up to a beautiful coat of snow covering everything. Even the construction site becomes a thing of beauty!

One of the new projects that the crew is working on is reinforcing the west wall of the Atrium stairwell. They need to tie together the different layers of the wall, and then replace the block up by the library roof with poured concrete. This is just another one of those little tasks that they deal with all the time in reinforcing the existing building. They are small jobs, but often end up taking a lot of time that wasn't budgeted for. The picture below shows how they've started stripping away the drywall in the Atrium to reveal what's underneath.

None of this work would be possible without all the donors that contributed to making this project a reality. The Development office commissioned some student artists to paint a bookshelf (since it is the "Next Chapter" campaign) with a shelf for every floor, acknowledging our donors. It is a wonderful visual of all the people backing this project - a good thing to remember as we're about a year in, with a year to go!

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