Friday 14 September 2012


Yesterday, our students found little surprises in their mailboxes. These "coping kits" held candy, chocolate bars, hand wipes, earplugs, herbal tea and a construction hat-shaped stress ball - everything they need to survive our construction project. 

The staff and faculty received a little box of chocolates, since they received their coping kits last term. These are to be carefully hoarded for the times when the drilling sounds like it's going to go right through your skull!

On the same day that these treats were delivered, an announcement about some significant (though temporary!) changes was made. This includes the closing of the main entrance to the college and cessation of elevator service to the third floor library and archives. For more details on these changes, see our construction updates page:

The last wall for the lower level has been poured and dried, so on this rainy Friday workers are removing the molds with the help of the crane.

This is the view from inside our current building, looking out. The window that we're looking out of here will become the opening for the new main office window, and where the first foundation footing is poured will be where the wall for the community education room begins. In between that space will be the lobby and washrooms. It looks small when it's outside! You can really see the shape of the new building here and how it will join with our existing space.

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