Friday 21 September 2012

Changing Our Habits

Upon arriving at work this morning, I had to go in a different door than I usually use. When I commented to a construction worker, "This is exciting - you're doing stuff!" he replied, "We're always doing stuff. Today we're just doing stuff that is making you change your habits."

Indeed, we are all going to have to change our habits. As of this morning, our main entrance is shut down for an indefinite amount of time. (More info here: Although we will regain it eventually, soon enough it will no longer be the main entrance and we will have a brand new main entrance. So as you approach the college, this is now what you will see:

Once you follow the path down to the lower doors and enter, you will see a special "secret passageway" to your left. For the moment you can still go through the main hallway and up the stairs, but fairly soon the main Atrium stairs will be blocked off, and then you will have to access the stairs on the west side of the building, via the "secret passageway." The signage directs people through this passageway (which is temporary).

Since this morning, when the main entrance was shut down, the crew has made good progress in moving ahead with their demolition. They have entertained all of us in Westmount-side offices this afternoon as they ripped up large slabs of cement from the entry ramp. (This is the view from the library office.) The retaining wall (white wall under the railing) is the next thing to be ripped up - that may start as early as this afternoon.

 And, since we have been following the progress of our new wing pictorially for awhile now, here is the latest shot of the inside of the new building.

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