Friday 5 April 2013

Fourth Level Floor Complete

Waterloo's weather has not jumped at the chance for spring time - the cold temperatures and snow of winter have followed us into April. 

This has meant a lot of tarping and heating for the crew, which translates into lots of time spent on activities that don't actually move the project forward. However, this period will be coming to a close soon enough. Good authority has informed the blog that the crew plans to start removing tarps on Monday, when springier temperatures arrive in Waterloo.

This was taken on Tuesday, when the floor was poured. It helps one to appreciate the scope of the work being done. The scene almost appears as a medieval castle, with two guards on the ramparts and some bizarre machine of war scaling the walls and apparently evading their attention... Except that in this case, all is as it should be.

The floor (seen above in progress) is now completely set and nearly dry. They have been heating it from underneath with giant tanks of propane to ensure that it dries instead of freezes. 

At the end of this month, the project kicks into high gear as a number of spaces in the existing building are taken over for renovations during the slower spring term at Grebel. This includes the main office, classroom 1110, the sheet music library and a sessional office. This means busy times for us office dwellers, as we scramble to get moved and reorganized in tighter quarters, and busy times for the crew, as they continue work outside on the addition and inside on the current building.

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