Friday 2 November 2012

That's why they call it Waterloo

So here in Waterloo we've had pretty much two steady weeks of rain. Sometimes it's just been damp and cloudy, other times it's drizzled, it's been windy thanks to super-storm Sandy, and sometimes it has just out and out poured. As you might imagine, all this mud and moisture has made things a little tricky around the construction site.

The crew has certainly gotten busy inside the Atrium, with results which we can't see, but can definitely hear! Outside, on this day when the sun is making shy appearances, they are digging and pouring footings for the columns of the overhang (see "Pouring Foundations" post, Oct 5, for more detail).

The worker is testing the consistency of one of two freshly-poured footings. In the background, the front end loader is working on digging another one.

(Sidenote: Can you tell that our windows didn't get washed on the outside this year due to the construction project?)

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