Friday 12 July 2013

What's a Torq-Lok anchor?

A Torq-Lok anchor ties two layers of a wall together across a hollow space. (See for a picture.) Our building project requires 2500 of these anchors to be installed throughout the walls of the existing academic wing on the second and third floors. The way the walls were constructed 40+ years ago left gaps at the top and bottom of the walls. The bottom gap needs to be filled with cement, the top gap needs a steel plate fitted over it to strengthen the wall's connection to the ceiling, and the main body of the wall needs these anchors driven through it to connect the inner and outer layers. This is a huge project for the construction crew which is adding time and expense to the project. It also inconveniences faculty and staff who need to move out of their offices temporarily while this work is accomplished. The photo below shows reinforcements happening on a wall in the Atrium.

We all hope that the remedial work around the academic wing is the last of our unforeseen surprises for this project!

The good news is that the roof is 90% complete, the biggest crane on the site so far has raised the new airconditioning unit onto the roof of the addition and all the sandblasting of the concrete retaining walls is complete. Progress is being made, even though sometimes we feel like we take one step forward and two steps backwards.

The photo below shows the new unit on the roof, barely visible. Do you notice anything interesting about the spacing of the windows? They are all evenly spaced until the group of five on the end. Those windows have been centered over the new main entrance, to subtly indicate to visitors which direction to go when approaching from the parking lot. When the new sidewalk is in place it will be even more obvious, as the coloured concrete will lead you to the main entrance. When you visit Grebel for the first time after our addition is complete, take a moment to notice these subtle cues that the architect so cleverly designed to help you find your way.

Another excellent pieces of news is that our new PACS area is getting very close to being ready for us to move in! With three new faculty starting this summer (Alicia Batten in Religious Studies, and Maisie Sum and Mark Vuorinen in Music), office space is at a premium.

It's hard to believe we're halfway through July already. We all need to "make hay while the sun shines" here in terms of doing the construction projects that need to get done during the warm weather. We are all really hoping that we can stick to the current schedule, which would give us these offices in August, some music practice space in September, and the first floor of the addition by Jan 1!

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