Thursday 26 April 2012

Building Permit Received!

Paul Penner had to march in to the city's offices and declare that he wouldn't leave without our building permit, but we finally received it last week. So the work has started in earnest. If you visit us now, you'll notice lots of site fencing up in the parking lot. This morning, trees were being fed into the "chipper" and spewed out the other end. It's sad to see those old trees go.

Those of us around Grebel in this quiet week in between terms have noticed many changes:

The construction dust wall is now up in the Atrium, prompting a few people to ask why we've made the Atrium so small! The end result of the project will be to expand the Atrium, but for now there's a wall up to keep dust and dirt out of our space and to demarcate the construction zone.

The site fencing in the parking lot has displaced the bike racks and Car Share car, but both are still easily accessible. We will all get more exercise now that it's impossible just to drive up to the main entrance. Our parcel delivery people have already noted this fact, and they are not necessarily excited about all the extra exercise!

Downstairs, the workers are busy making a temporary entrance/exit corridor, which is cutting into one of our classrooms. Yesterday, there was a small space knocked out of the block wall, just enough to step through. The walls were double thick, as in a layer of block, some space, and another layer of block. It was interesting to see how much space the wall took up in an effort to be sound proof.

We've also had workers tromping around on the roof as they relocate the kitchen exhaust fan in this unusual week while the kitchen is closed. It was a good opportunity for the construction workers, but those of us around Grebel certainly miss the hot meals and baked treats that the kitchen usually provides. 

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